So exciting news here in Lilburn...I'm once again doing illustration work. It exciting and terrifying at the same time. I haven't done what I would call "professional" illustration in almost 8 years now. Most of my work from 2004 up until 2011 consisted mostly of fill in work for when artists bailed on a White Wolf project or for personal projects which mainly revolved around me making jokes about stuff (and I promise, Dudes of Legend ™ or Dudes of Yore™ will eventually see the light of day.)
So what I'm doing for this particular project is a half page color illo. Yes, color. Luckily the client uses a great deal of color b&w art.
For this piece, a child is afraid of the "monster in the closet". The initial image that popped into my head is over to the left (well, a sketch of what popped into my head anyway). The main idea I'm going for is that the closet is a dark a forboding place the child is terrified of and then I will take the shadows from the closet and "morph" it into the monster at the top. I'm still not sure about the monster....I have a werewolf up there now, but I also had a cthulhuesque type critter up there....and an angry goblin.
I'm also still hashing out the color scheme as well. I had though of a strong yellow light being cast by the door but now, I'm thinking of almost a blue to simulate moonlight illuminating the child's room and a small part of the closet interior. I'll figure out what color for the critter part once I settle on a critter.
Another thing that I am toying with right now is the use of a texture over the color areas to give it a sort of watercolor effect. Don't get me wrong, the idea to actually paint the piece has crossed my mind but I'm trying baby steps here. So, I'll probably either drop a paper texture over it or maybe just a light "clouds" texture. Mainly just something to spice things up.
The piece to the right here is the beginnings of v2 of the sketch. Yes, the fat kid in the foreground does look like Bobby Hill from the back. The idea for this piece is the child is peeking out from his hiding place on the other side of the bed. I'm toying with doing a window pane shadow across the wall to add something to it. Again, this is just step 1...I'll take this piece, trace it onto another piece of copy paper and add more to the sketch (or make changes) until I get something I like.
I should probably point out something about my sketches. I use them as a reference for placement of objects and figures...and maybe some of the lighting. I'll sometimes change poses and various details in the final if I think it'll look better. That's why they are sketches and not pencils.
Last thing for tonight, these are some doodles I did to warm up.They are not works of art by any means...just me messing around with my fine point sharpie. I think the dude on the left was the beginning of a goblin type guy and the wolf thing on the left was me trying to come up with ideas for the critter in v1 of the sketch.
So that is all for tonight. I need to try and get a little sleep so I can do my usual daytime work stuff. Hopefully, I can post some of that stuff in the near future (I have to ask).
Fun Fact: The Bacon-Cheeseburger Taquito at Quik Trip is a true delicacy.
Another Fun Fact: The 49 cent soda promotion at Quik Trip is over, and I'm not happy about it.