Monday, April 22, 2013

New releases and other cool stuff I worked on you should go check out....

First awesome thing off the bat is Convention Book: Progenitors. The second Technocracy book I've AD'd (well 95% of it) and designed released today on DTRPG. You can pick it up in both PoD and PDF formats. 

Worked with some really great artists on this project including Vince Locke, Andy Trabbold, Alex Sheikman, Joel Biske and Cathy Wilkins.

Scary thing is this book came out about 19 years ago....I remember packing these into about 1000 individual Barnes and Noble store orders. Ahh...the olden days when I had hair down to my butt.

This one released a month ago, but it's still a pretty cool looking book if I do say so myself. Mummy the Curse is actually the first core book I've AD'd since Hunter the Vigil back in 2008. 

The book was designed by my buddy Craig Grant and we both handled the layout duties (he handled the Player's half, I handled the Storyteller half). 

I'm hoping that I'll have a shot of the limited edition cover in the near future. Jpgs of covers are great, but nothing beats a photo of the genuine article.

You can pick up Mummy on DTRPG as both digital and PoD formats.

And last but certainly not least, Scion Extras. This is the April Fool product Onyx Path did this year. 

The artwork was done by Brian Leblanc and Jeff Holt...and of course I was the AD and Layout dude. The PDF is available for free on DTRPG at the moment, so go check it out. Seriously, free and full color....go check it out.

That's all until next week...I should have another pile of stuff to post up....I've been busy.